Things to Know


The following information is current as of December 2024 and may be subject to change. Please check on the City’s website for posted changes related to each of the highlighted topics –

Lewes City Hall is located on E. Third Street and is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 302-645-7777

Public Restroom Facilities:

  • Zwaanendael Park, Mary Vessels Park and Canalfront Park – Open year-round 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Savannah Beach – Open year- round 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Johnnie Walker Beach – Open Memorial Day through September 30th 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.


Any unreasonable, loud, disturbing, and unnecessary noise being detrimental to the life or health of any individual or contrary to the public welfare, between the normal sleeping hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., is prohibited.

Delaware’s Clean Air Act:

Smoking is prohibited in any indoor enclosed area to which the public is invited or in which the general public is permitted including workplaces.

No smoking in City’s nine parks, playgrounds, and all municipal beaches.  Please help us keep our parks free of smoke and cigarette butts by using convenient receptacles before entering the parks.

Please dispose of smoking litter in the designated receptacles located throughout our business district.


It shall be unlawful for any person to park, stand, or store any boat, trailer, commercial vehicle, recreational vehicle or trailer on any street located within a residential district, unless loading or unloading of such vehicle.

The City of Lewes is in the process of increasing the number of parking spaces in the commercial business district.  The Historic Lewes Map brochure that is published annually in the spring has a map indicating where parking is available.  Information can be found on the City’s website: 334 /parkingmap.

Parking meters in the historic business district, in the 1812 Municipal Parking Lot, Canalfront Park Lot, and the Third Street Municipal Parking Lot operate from May 1 through October 14 annually from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Parking in the business district is limited to a three-hour maximum from October 15 through April 30 annually. Parking in the 1812 Municipal Parking Lot is limited to a three-hour maximum from May 1 through October 14. From October 15 through April 30, parking in the 1812 Parking Lot is limited to three hours on the canal side of the lot. Thirty-minute parking signage is enforced year-round. The Lewes Beach parking meters at Savannah Beach and Johnnie Walker Beach operate from May 1 through September 30 annually, 9 a.m.–8 p.m.

Electric vehicle charging stations are located at the lot off of Schley Avenue (Franklin Avenue and Schley Avenue) and Otis Smith Park Parking lot.


No person shall ride any bike over or upon any sidewalk within the City of Lewes, except when going to or coming from a street upon which a bicycle may be lawfully operated. Bicycle parking racks are located throughout the town and at the beach parking lots.  A bike corral is located at the corner of Savannah Road and Gills Neck Road.  Please do not lock bikes to lamp posts or bollards.

Beach Rules:

It shall be unlawful for any person to be on Lewes Beach (from Roosevelt Inlet to the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminal) between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.

  • Smoking: No smoking including e-cigarettes is allowed on beaches.
  • Sleeping: It shall be unlawful to sleep, lie, loiter on, occupy as sleeping quarters or be under the guise or pretending to sleep on any part of the public beaches within the corporate limits of the city between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.  Sleeping in a vehicle in the Savannah Road Beach or Johnnie Walker Beach municipal parking lots is also prohibited.
  • Fires: Bonfires require a permit issued by the City’s Parks and Recreation Department.  Call 302-645-7777 for more information.
  • Fireworks: Prohibited on any Lewes beach.
  • Alcohol: None allowed.
  • Permits: Required for activities on the beach.
  • Dogs: No dogs are allowed on any beach strand between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. any day between May 1st and September 30th.  All dogs must be on a 6-foot leash and owners must pick up pet waste.
  • Horses: It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, walk or exercise a horse upon any public beach located within the corporate limits of the city from April 1st thru September 30th.
  • Fishing: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to fish in that area of Lewes Beach extending from Pilot Point to the property of Lewes Yacht Club between the hours of 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., and for a distance offshore of 300 feet, from May 1st to September 15th.
  • Personal Watercraft: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate personal watercraft within a distance of 300 feet of any beach strand within the City of Lewes.

Boat Docks:

It shall be unlawful for any person to dock, tie up, or berth any boat owned or operated by such person at any dock, pier, or wharf owned or operated by the City of Lewes without paying to the City of Lewes a document fee based on the linear feet of the overall length of the vessel for each twenty-four-hour time period or part thereof that the boat of such person is docked, tied up, or berthed at any dock, pier, or wharf owned or operated by the City of Lewes. Boaters who stay beyond the three hours will be charged a daily rate based on the size of the vessel.  Boat slips may be reserved in advance for a maximum stay of seven consecutive days with a seven-day one-time renewal, pending availability.

No commercial vessel shall be docked, tied up, or berthed at any dock, pier, or wharf owned or operated  by the City of Lewes between April 15th and October 15th, both days inclusive, of any year.


The marina at Canalfront Park includes transient slips and slips for Lewes residents/property owners chosen by a lottery. Reservations for up to seven days may be made by phone (302-644-1869), in person Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Net House (211 Front Street) or online – click forms, then Canalfront Park Marina agreement. Contact the City Manager for updated information at 302-645-7777.


The owner or the person in control of a dog shall keep the dog under leash, and shall carry and use a bag or other device to pick up and remove from property any excrement which said dog shall drop.


Please report feral cats to the following organizations:

Rollerskates / Skateboards / Rollerblades:

A. Persons under twelve (12) years of age may use or employ rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices on any sidewalk within the City of Lewes. No person twelve (12) years of age or older shall use rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices on any sidewalk within the City of Lewes except the sidewalk on the east side of the Savannah Road drawbridge.

B. On any sidewalk where persons are using or employing rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices, such persons shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.

C. No person shall use rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices within the areas of any City Parks, except George H. P. Smith Park.

D. Persons using or employing rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices shall conduct their activity as far to the right of the traffic lane as possible, in a single file and flowing with traffic.

E. Any persons employing rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices shall follow the rules of the road established for bicycles pursuant to Title 21 of the Delaware Code.

F. No person shall use rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices on any ramps, jumps, or other devices to perform stunts upon any public sidewalk, parking lot, or in the restricted public parks.

G. No person shall use rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices so as to injure public or private property.

H. No person using rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices shall attach himself or herself to any moving motor vehicle upon any street, parking lot, or public right-of-way.

I. Any person using rollerskates, rollerblades/inline skates, skateboards, or similar devices between sunset and sunrise shall wear reflective markings or material of sufficient reflectivity to be visible from both sides from six hundred (600) feet when directly in front of lawful lower beams of head-lamps on a motor vehicle.

Garbage Collection:

Household garbage collection is offered to residents of the City of Lewes. Garbage is collected once a week, October through May. Twice-a-week garbage collection begins the first full week in June through September. Bulk trash collection is the fourth Wednesday of each summer month and must be pre-arranged with the Ciy of Lewes by telephoning the City Hall at 302-645-7777  (June-July-August-September) and the fourth Wednesday of every other month (November through May).